Section: New Software and Platforms


Participants : Laurent Ciarletta [contact] , Yannick Presse, Benjamin Segault.

Benjamin Camus, Victorien Elvinger, Vincent Chevrier (contact), Julien Vaubourg, and Christine Bourjot from the MAIA team, LORIA are contributors for this software.

AA4MM (Agents and Artefacts for Multi-modeling and Multi-simulation) is a framework for coupling existing and heterogeneous models and simulators in order to model and simulate complex systems. The first implementation of the AA4MM meta-model was proposed in Julien Siebert's PhD [51] and written in Java, and a renewed Java version was submitted to the APP (Agence pour la protection des programmes).

We are using this software in a strategic action with EDF R&D in the context of the simulation of smart-grids in the frame of the MS4SG (Multi-Simulation fro Smart Grids) project. Julien Vaubourg started a PhD on this project that is co-directed by Laurent Ciarletta and Vincent Chevrier. The 2014 year was dedicated to improve existing software and to develop new components thanks to new scientific contributions.

Currently, two new pieces of software are being submitted to the APP:

  1. a modelling environment software that enables the graphical definition of multi-models from preexisting elements.

  2. AA4MM-Visu, a plug-in dedicated to the collection and visualization of information during simulation.

We plan to submit an enhanced version of the JAVA software and of the AA4MM-Visu. The core elements of AA4MM will be made available early in 2015 under an open licence.